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Setting a Standard in the Workplace

As a business idea develops from a concept to start-up, there are a progression of steps a founder can take to help their Company’s overall success and sustainability. For example, in the initial stages of growth, the owner should make sure the Company is a properly formed entity for added protection. Then, as employees are added, the owner should become educated on what it means to be a California Employer.

As it relates to employees, the greatest advantage for an employer is an Employee Handbook, which allows the Company to set a standard of professionalism from the beginning of employment. Many employment-related disputes could be avoided with documentation that outlines the employer’s expectations of his/her employees, explains the company policies, and relays the law correctly. Paid Sick Leave and Parental Leave Laws in addition to a few others, can vary from city-to-city, so it is best to make sure you – as an employer – are complying with the ordinances required by your zip code from the beginning of employment. Understanding your obligations as an employer is also a crucial component to success in the workplace – and creating a Handbook is a great way to learn about the best practices.

While many founders of start-ups fear that an Employee Handbook can be too restrictive on their new company, it is important to note that procedures and policies are put in order to reflect the philosophy of the business, the culture, and are created to suit the specific needs of the company while reflecting your core values. If you have a start-up we encourage you to contact the attorneys at Chauvel & Glatt, LLP to discuss Employee Handbook options. Our experienced attorneys know how to protect your company from future disputes while not forfeiting the start-up culture.

This material in this article, provided by Chauvel  & Glatt, is designed to provide informative and current information as of the date of the post. It should not be considered, nor is it intended to constitute, legal advice.  For information on your particular circumstances, please contact Chauvel & Glatt at 650-573-9500. 

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